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50 Kindergarten Crafts for the Entire Year

As kindergarten teachers, we love to use crafts to help students improve their fine motor skills and practice other content area skills. Since kindergarten crafts are so helpful for students, they are an important part of the weekly classroom routine!


Top Tips for Teaching Subtraction in Kindergarten

One of the best parts of being a kindergarten teacher is helping children learn foundational skills that they will use for years to come. Subtraction is one of these important skills! In this post, I’m sharing some of my favorite tips for teaching subtraction in kindergarten.


Kindergarten Readiness Summer Packet

As kindergarten teachers, we are often asked by parents how they can help their children prepare for kindergarten. While there are many suggestions and checklists out there, one of my favorite ways to help children prepare for school is through a kindergarten readiness summer packet.


How to Choose the Right Centers For Your Child

The 100th day of school is always a big deal for students of all ages. However, this is a perfect opportunity for little learners to increase math skills with combining this momentous day with academic skills.

Cindy Hvidsten
Mom of 5, Blogger

A mom of 5 kids and blog to encourage moms! Follow for home, motherhood and celebrations!


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We've got playtime covered - so you can make junior life more liveable.

50 Kindergarten Crafts for the Entire Year

As kindergarten teachers, we love to use crafts to help students improve their fine motor skills and practice other content area skills. Since kindergarten crafts are so helpful for students, they are an important part of the weekly classroom routine!


Top Tips for Teaching Subtraction in Kindergarten

One of the best parts of being a kindergarten teacher is helping children learn foundational skills that they will use for years to come. Subtraction is one of these important skills! In this post, I’m sharing some of my favorite tips for teaching subtraction in kindergarten.


Kindergarten Readiness Summer Packet

As kindergarten teachers, we are often asked by parents how they can help their children prepare for kindergarten. While there are many suggestions and checklists out there, one of my favorite ways to help children prepare for school is through a kindergarten readiness summer packet.


How to Choose the Right Centers For Your Child

The 100th day of school is always a big deal for students of all ages. However, this is a perfect opportunity for little learners to increase math skills with combining this momentous day with academic skills.

Education through play!

An online destination for quality products of every kind for the little ones in your life; plus, inspiration and intel that'll make your shopping experience as easy as one, two, hooray!